Je les ai tout de même laissés, ils ont peut-être encore une utilité.
Il vaut mieux consulter ce site: http://Mon livre sur Java, Python et le Raspberry Pi 3
A starting point with Raspberry Pi
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Being able to switch on or off a 220 Volt home appliance using the light level in the room
So many things have been done before reaching this first running project including:
- Getting the hardware
- Installing the software
- Describing all sort of difficulties before getting my bedside lamp reacting on light level changes in the room
- Adding features inside and outside to extend this project
The different parts
This is the sensor part to get the light level:
Photo-resistance circuit
This is the relay to switch on a 220V light or anything else connected for instance to a light bulb cable:
220 Volt Relay
And both connected to the Raspberry Pi board:
The code
The following Python code to deal with this project is more or less some copy/paste from different projects, in particular from:
# Reading an analogue sensor with a single GPIO pin
# Set the relay on off according to the light level
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO, time
# GPIO library to use Broadcom mode
# Charge time measument
def RCtime (PiPin):
value= 0
# Discharge capacitor
GPIO.setup(PiPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(PiPin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.setup(PiPin, GPIO.IN)
# Count loops until voltage across
# capacitor reads high on GPIO
while (GPIO.input(PiPin) == GPIO.LOW):
value+= 1
return value
GPIO.setup(14, GPIO.OUT)
# Main program loop
while True:
lum = RCtime(4)
print lum # Measure level using GPIO4
if lum < 360:
print 'High light'
GPIO.output(14, False)
print 'Low light'
GPIO.output(14, True)
The relay
This is the part dealing with
the 220V relay. On the picture, we see that 3 cables are connected (one of
the 4 is not required):
Yellow - the GPIO pin
Red - the 5 Volt power
Black - the ground
The wire for the 220 Volt goes to
the green connector. A 220V extension cord with 2 o 3 (with ground) wires can
be prepared like this:
There is a very nice description of the
pins in this Web site:
The pin 8, the fourth from the
right on the external side:
correspond to the BCM GPIO pin 14
(see the Python code). The pin 2 is the 5 Volt required for the relay.
Testing the relay
This is actually recommended when building a project with different parts.
Here a small program for verifying our relay:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO, time
print "Start"
PiPin = 14
GPIO.setup(PiPin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(PiPin, True)
GPIO.output(PiPin, False)
print "End"
There are many different ways to test this relay.
This could be done using C++ or directly accessing the GPIO from a Terminal session.
There is an interesting article with nice pictures here:
The sensor part
The cables required are:
Purple - the 3.3 Volt for the power
- the ground
Grey - the GPIO pin to measure the
A complete and nice description
There is no need to copy/paste it here!
A view from inside of the pins may help too:
The first pin is the 3.3 Volt and the fourth the GPIO4.
More articles:
- Preparing the SD card
- A first boot on the Raspberry Pi
- ssh and scp on the Raspberry Pi from Windows
- A first software installation on the Rasperry Pi
- WiringPi for the Raspberry Pi
And with the Gertboard:
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